President of UNA-SF, Mary Steiner.

President of UNA-SF, Mary Steiner.

Executive Committee


The Executive Committee is constituted by the current UNA-SF Bylaws as well as the Roberts Rules of Order with the purpose to administer the business of the Chapter between meetings as well as support, facilitate, monitor, record, and report the actions of the Board and Committees. The best interests of the Chapter are paramount.


Vice-President of Administration, Elsia Galawish.

Vice-President of Administration, Elsia Galawish.

Keirah Burrell, CPA, Treasurer.

Keirah Burrell, CPA, Treasurer.

Srujana Kaddevarmuth, Secretary.

Srujana Kaddevarmuth, Secretary.


The Executive Committee monitors and enforces the legal requirements including finances and personnel issues.The Executive Committee manages Board approved plans and proposals and sets the Board Meeting Agenda. The Executive Committee communicates with Legal Counsel and other professionals such as a CPA or the Chair of the Leadership and Organizational Culture Committee.



The minimum officers are the President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They are elected by the Board one month after the Membership approves the UNA- USA approved bylaws, and elect the Board of Directors. They serve 2 year terms and term out after 6 years of Board service.